Friday, February 20, 2015

The role of Silence in your spiritual journey

In the current world today, there is literally too much noise. Everywhere we go, there is noise pollution. Music, chatter, transportation vehicles and so on. And the noise doesn't only stop at the external level, but it is ever so present in our minds. Thoughts about the past, about the future, about other people, about work, about family about friends and these thoughts go on, and on, and on. All of these thoughts are actually the source of our suffering.

To quiet the mind is the only way to see and feel the true essence of yourself, which is the Supreme, God, Universal energy in human manifestation. And in doing so, we eliminate suffering. If there was a formula to spirituality (from my perspective), it would look something like this:

Silence (no thoughts or mind chatter) + Acceptance (truly accepting every moment for what it is without any judgements or mental labels) = Enlightenment (Bliss and joy)

A fairly simple formula. But everyone I shared this with says, "I can't stop thinking! What will happen to my life? What about all my obligations? My job? My family?". And I can only tell you that miracles will start happening, the first being pure bliss and joy. Once you stop mentally judging or labeling the people, or environment around you, you will start to see the world for what it truly is, which is something NOBODY can define, but can only feel through the present moment. And everything will happen effortlessly, including every life situation you are in. Once you let go of that control that you want to have in your mind, your life plays out in the most beautiful, effortless manner. It is in this state that we become aligned with the purpose of Universe, God, Supreme being or whatever you choose to call it. 

And then some people ask me, " Well, how do you know then if your are truly present and enlightened?". For me there is only one indicator: You are in a constant state of  utter joy and peace. It is the most beautiful feeling you will have ever experienced. I cannot describe it in words. I can only help point in that direction. You will have to walk down that road and experience it yourself. 

So, help yourself by quietening your mind. It is the ONLY way to a true joy and peace! 

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