Saturday, February 21, 2015

Creativity is the Supreme being working through us

One of the most profound findings that I personally found in my journey in spirituality is that when I successfully managed to silence my mind and accept each moment for what it is, the most unexpected thing happened. I autonomously started to become creative! Without any effort or thought put into it.
Ideas and creative concepts were flooding my mind out of a state of no thought. How is this possible you might ask? I have no way of explaining it. I can only describe it. Whenever my mind is completely still and I am in acceptance of the moment that I am in (which took me roughly 2 years of practice on a daily basis for this "habit" to become consistent), I would find ideas rushing into my head of topics that I never even thought about before (I found it scary at first, but started to accept that this was part of the MOMENT that I was in). After a while, I would start writing these down and look at it (without any judgement) and see what it was all about. These were the beginnings of the push for me to start this blog. To share these flow of ideas that were popping "effortlessly" into my mind.

And when I looked back at my previous life experiences, it started to slowly make sense. Whenever I was in a creative mood or working on an idea, whether it be at work or in school, I would become completely "lost" in that moment, in a state of non-egoistic thoughts, or what many other people refer to as the state of "Flow". 

It dawned upon me that the Universe, God or the Supreme being is a creative force. It is in a constant state of creation. We are merely one of the many billions and trillions of countless creations of the Supreme, and yet WE ARE the creative force of the Supreme. Through us, the creativity of the Supreme is working to create through our human form. And it is not only through humans that the Supreme creates. If you take a look at Nature very closely, every animal, plant and even environment is in a constant state of creation and change. The world is never the same today as it was yesterday. Change is permanent because of the constant state of Creativity of the Supreme!

I thought I would share this with you and hope you might find that link between your Creativity and the Supreme.

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