Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Strategy for enlightenment

Many spiritual teaching point in the direction of meditation as a great daily practice to be spiritually enlightened, whether it is for 10 minutes or an hour, morning or evening. I disagree.

I think that every MOMENT should be a meditative practice. How can one do that? It is quite simple.
Be completely present, aware and focused in the present moment. Just give every moment your full focus. From the moment you get up to the moment you sleep. If you do that, you can choose not to think about the past (which actually does not exist any longer) or the future (which does not exist yet). What about planning for your future and goals, you might ask. You can definitely plan for the future, whether it be for work or for your private life. Just be focused in the moment of planning and execution of your future goals. Be fully present in the realization of it because it is the present moment that gives birth to the future. What about visualization you might ask. Isn’t visualization thinking about the future? Indeed it is. However, in visualization, you have to still be present in the moment your are visualizing it, giving your visualization your fullest focus and attention. And here’s the key for your inner peace: Once you have visualized your aims and goals, let it go. Do not be attached to the outcome or worry about it. Bring back your focus to the present moment and be there fully aware. Believe me, the universe will conspire towards your visualized goals and it will happen effortlessly. It happened to me on many occasions. And hope with this practice it will happen to you too. Do not be too concerned about when it will come true. It will happen when the time is right for you. Trust in the Universe, Life Force, God or whatever you want to call it. Just remember to be fully aware and present in every moment, even in visualizing your goals becoming true and not to be attached to the outcome. It works for me every time.

Can I give you examples of it you might ask? Sure. I dreamed of moving to Europe and living there without even knowing how or when (I am from Malaysia). Within 3 months, I met my then future husband (who is European), at a work conference, at a time which I least expected! We connected immediately and even shared the same spiritual concepts! We got married and 2 years after our marriage, we moved to Europe. I dreamed of having a beautiful home with a pair of children, a boy and a girl….and it gives me goose bumps to write to you that it indeed became true. I visualized getting a job in Switzerland and it became true! It took 1 year to happen, but when I look back, it happened at a time when it needed to happen, even when I was anxious about why it hadn’t happened to me. And the most interesting fact of it was that I got the call from the job agency literally 2 days after I had mentally given up on it happening any time soon. I told myself, “If it is meant to be, it will happen.” And I got the call for the interview two days later.
Please try it…it works for me, and I’m sure it will work for you. Your focus only need be in the present moment. No thoughts, no worries, no excess baggage of guilt, resentment, anger, jealousy and any of that pain that is born when your attention moves away from the present moment. Just pure peace, joy and love. I would like to conclude with a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer, “Peace is the result of re-training your mind to process life as it is and not as it should be.”

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